North Lismore Plateau

Greenloaning prepared a Flora and Fauna Report as part of the rezoning application for the proposed North Lismore Plateau residential subdivision. The Plateau is home to the threatened flora species Hairy Jointgrass (Arthraxon hispidus) and Thorny Pea (Desmodium acanthocladum), listed under both NSW and Commonwealth legislation, as well as supporting small regenerating patches of the Endangered Ecological Community (EEC), the Lowland Rainforest in NSW North Coast and Sydney Basin Bioregion. The Koala also had been recorded previously from the site and there were small patches of primary food tree species present. The occurrence of these threatened species and community triggered a range of target surveys involving development of specific survey procedures to enable reliable population estimates, in the case of the Thorny Pea, and accurate determination of the extent of local occurrence of each threatened species and the EEC, with subsequent assessments of impacts on the local populations.

The project involved working concurrently for two landholder groups and Lismore City Council to identify key ecological constraints and provide strategic advice regarding the integration of high value areas into long term protection and enhancement measures for the Plateau.